COVID Regulations

COVID regulations @ VCTM

There are no official COVID restrictions in place for attending the event.

VCTM event location how to get there

Location – Directions

Louis Braille Haus
Hägelingasse 4-6
1140 Vienna

Louis Braille Saal is in 5 min walking distance from the metro stop ‘Hütteldorfer Straße’ (line U3). Take exit ‘Hütteldorfer Straße’, continue to the right, the third street to your right will be Hägelinstraße, it’s on number 4-6.

From the airport

Option 1: Take the S7 (direction Laa/Thaya Bahnhof) or REX 7 train (direction Floridsdorf) to ‘Landstraße-Wien Mitte’. Change to metro line U3 (direction ‘Ottakring’). This should cost you aprox. € 4,40 (2 Zones).

Option 2: Take the bus VAL 1 from airport to Westbahnhof train station. From there metro U3 to Hütteldorferstr. (direction Ottakring, 3 stops).

From Westbahnhof

Take metro line U3 to ‘Hütteldorfer Straße’ (direction ‘Ottakring’). 3 stops, 5 min, easy!

From Hauptbahnhof

Take metro line U1 to Stephansplatz (direction ‘Leopoldau’). Change to line U3 (direction ‘Ottakring’) to ‘Hütteldorfer Straße’.

From Vienna International Busterminal (VIB)

Take metro line U3 (direction ‘Ottakring’) to ‘Hütteldorfer Straße’.

Arrival Flight

FROM/TO THE AIRPORT train, bus, taxi


Taxi 31 300
Te.: +43 (1) 31 300

Reliable cab service. You can ask for a business class or Mercedes taxi free of charge. If you want to go to the airport always pre-order a “Flughafen-” / “Airport-Taxi”. Only then you benefit from a fixed rate of 40,- EUR going to the airport from anywhere in Vienna. No additional fee is allowed to be added then. (Otherwise you’d have to pay the return way for the taxi too.)


Train shuttle service opperating between Vienna airport and Wien Hauptbahnhof every 30 minutes.
It departs Vienna airport xx:03h and xx:33h and takes you to Wien Hauptbahnhof.
Wien Hauptbahnhof to Vienna airport leaves every xx:12h and xx:40h. It takes 21 minutes and costs 3,90 EUR.

Train S7 
Ticket for 2 zones required, costs: € 4,40 (subway, tram, public busses are included for this trip), every 30 minutes

Stations: runs from Floridsdorf and Handelskai (U6), Wien Mitte (U3/U4), Praterstern (U4/U2) to the airport


Airport bus (Vienna Airport Lines)
One way € 10,50, return € 17,50

Airport bus has various destinations, it brings you also to Westbahnhof train station. From there it is 3 stops with subway U3 to Hütteldorferstr. (2 min walk to event location)

Airport Vienna Vienna Westbahnhof train station (U3, U6)

Airport Vienna Vienna Schwedenplatz (U1, U4)
Airport Vienna Vienna UNO-City (U1)
Airport Vienna Vienna train station Meidling, Dörfelstraße (S-Bahn, U6)



City Airport Train (CAT)
€ 14,90 one way, return € 24,90. Route only stops at Wien Mitte and the airport, every 30 minutes

WITHIN VIENNA explore the city

For a Taxi within Vienna call (0043) 31300.
You may ask for Business or Mercedes Taxi free of charge!

Subway, busses and tram (
Run all night on Friday and Saturday!
Otherwise from about 5 a.m. to midnight.

Single tickets can be used for any single trip within Vienna
€ 2,40 in the ticket offices, ticket machines (underground)
€ 2,60 in the means of transport (just available in trams and busses)

24-, 48-, 72-hour tickets
Valid throughout Vienna for exactly 24, 48 or 72 hours from the time they are validated

Car Parking

It is free to park on public road at the event location from Friday 22h until Monday morning 9h.

If you need to pay, you have to purchase parking tickets for 30/60/90/120 minutes in so-called “Trafik” (tobacco & magazine shops), fill them out and leave them under your car windshield. Maximum duration is 1,5 hours on shopping streets and 3 hours everywhere else.

Restaurant To eat

If you are looking for something to eat near by the event location, we strongly recommend Restaurant Kent (Turkish), which you can reach within 5 minutes by foot.

If you are ordering main dishes for 4 persons you can mention our code word “TANGO” for a free plate of starters!

Hütteldorfer Str. 117
Phone: +43/05996161-14

Opened: Mon. to Sun. 7am – midnight

ABOUT VIENNA more infos

Vienna Info:
Vienna Ticket:
Vienna Sightseeing:
Vienna Sightseeing Tours:
Wiener Kaffeehäuser:

Map Points of interest